Sunday, March 20, 2022

Could There Be a Link Between Erection Problems and Penis Size?

Men worry about their penis. They worry that it is not big enough, that it might not function properly when asked to do so in terms of an erection, and quite often they worry about both at the same time.


Of course, a small penis can just as easily become erect as a large one. Everything functions at the same level, just on a smaller scale. However, when men worry unduly about the size of their penis it can trigger severe anxiety, which in turn can cause erection problems.

Many men worry that their partner is going to ridicule the size of their penis. This concern can directly affect the ability to obtain and sustain an erection when it matters most. This situation is then made worse as the thought of a failure to perform a second time becomes all too much, resulting in another erection failure.

At this point men really do start to worry. They mistakenly believe that there must be something physically wrong, which in most cases of course there is no underlying physical complaint at all. An association with a small penis and an erection problem needs to be addressed. The best place to start is a visit to the family Doctor.

Sometimes a little reassurance is all that is needed to cut the link between the worry about penis size and the erection. In most cases the penis is of perfectly normal size. 

This reassurance alone can go a long way to resolving any problems. Many men have no idea of what is considered normal by society and therefore assume that their penis must be smaller than others.

Sometimes the Doctor will ask for tests to confirm that there are no clinical reasons why there is an inability to obtain or sustain an erection. These investigations may include a series of blood tests and cardiac tests to rule out other disease.

If these tests are passed without any complications, then the Doctor could refer his Patient for Counselling to help overcome any issues. Counselling can be of tremendous help in cases where no physical reason can be uncovered.

If it is the size of the penis that is really inhibiting the erection, then this can be addressed with surgery. Penis enlargement surgery should not be entered into lightly. In the United Kingdom there are very few penis enlargement surgeons and it is always a good idea to have a chat with the family Doctor in the first instance and get his advice before proceeding with anything.

If the concern is the size of the penis when erect, then it follows that impotence could result from the fear of the penis looking too small in its erect state.

Any case of impotence should be investigated. If it has occurred because of too much drink beforehand, or other medication affecting the erection, then this is understandable. However, it is important to remember that the inability to obtain or sustain an erection could be an indication of some other medical problem.

Typically, men are reluctant to seek help and advice from their family Doctor. They put off problems until they simply cannot be ignored anymore. Problems with erections should not be left undiagnosed.

Lastly, and most importantly, erection problems should be discussed openly with the partner. It is at times like these that men need total support from their partners. This support can be critical in helping to overcome the problem. Perhaps the worst thing that a partner can do is apply pressure to perform at a time when clearly it is not going to happen.

The inability to obtain or sustain an erection can be a clinical problem, and the fear of having a small penis can be a major concern for men. This needs to be appreciated by partners and help and understanding maybe the best medicine of all.

Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time.

What this 75 year old knows about rock hard stiffness at ANY age

While half of all men over 40 are suffering severe cases of failure to stiffen up in bed… 75 year old Tom can stay rock hard as long as he wants. 

And he has no trouble pleasing his wife night after night (and even in the mornings).

But it’s NOT because Tom is taking some dangerous and artificial chemical pill… has sky-high testosterone… or is a genetic freak of nature.


Instead, it’s because this 75 year old drinks a simple, delicious “tonic” every day that destroys the root cause of soft bedroom performances in men -- allowing him to stiffen up on demand.

And today, he’s revealing the recipe to this potent “hardwood tonic”. It’s a handful of natural ingredients you can find at your local store, today.

So, if you want to NEVER have trouble getting it up again… then check out the recipe here (while you still can).

Saturday, March 19, 2022

5 Ways to Increase Sex Drive in Men

Low sex drive in men is not something that is uncommon. Men begin losing their interest in sex as they get older. Physical inactivity, improper diet, alcohol abuse, excessive smoking and increased mental stress are some of the factors that can put sex on the backseat.


However, there are some natural ways to boost your libido.

5 Ways to Increase Sex Drive in Men

1. Have Oysters

Oysters and other love foods can increase the desire to have sex. Such aphrodisiacs have been used since hundreds of years to boost sex drive and sexual potency in men.

Oysters are a great source of zinc and help increase the production of testosterone. Bananas are also rich in zinc and can ensure a libido boost. Other foods that can increase sex drive in men include ginger, halibut, cayenne, avocados etc.,

2. Essential Fats 

Two most important factors that affect libido in men are:

  • Testosterone levels in the body and 
  • Good blood flow in the body.

Essential fatty acids are important for both.

Essential fats like Omega 3 are required by your body for the production of testosterone. Not only this, they unclog the arteries and increase blood flow not just throughout the body but to the penis as well.

Best sources of such fats include olives, olive oil, sunflower seeds, flax seed, almonds, peanuts, fish like salmons, sardines etc.,

3. Get More Sunlight

This is because direct sunlight suppresses the secretion of melatonin in your body. Melatonin tends to lower your libido. This explains why you have a stronger libido in summer months as compared to the winter months.

So, if you want to boost your libido, make sure you get more direct exposure to the sun.

4. Sleep More

Lack of sleep can affect you and your body in a lot of ways. First of all, it tends to increase stress and secondly, it tends to lower testosterone levels.

A drop in testosterone levels lowers your libido or sex drive. You must get at least 8 hours of sleep every day.

5. Natural or Herbal Supplements to Boost Libido in Men

Natural or herbal supplements are a mix of herbs and other natural ingredients that not only increase blood flow to the penis but also help increase testosterone production in your body. Certain ingredients such as panax ginseng, are highly effective in reducing stress as well.

Other ingredients in such top notch supplements include ginkgo biloba, tribulus, long jack, acai berry, chaste berry, l-arginine etc.,

Such supplements not only help enhance your libido but also ensure powerful erections that you might have been missing for some time. Not only this, they also increase your sexual stamina and control so that you can last longer during intercourse.

Top notch supplements are clinically approved and do not have any side effects.

So, If You Want to Boost Your Sex Drive, Check out the Best Natural Libido Enhancer for Men that is really "HOT" among men seeking libido enhancement!

If you want to increase your Testosterone Levels, boost your Sex-Drive, and experience much stronger Sexual Performance…

…you need to give Rock Hard Formula a try.

You see, Rock Hard Formula WILL:

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Of course, when you take Rock Hard Formula, the end result will be that…

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If you want to safely and naturally boost your Testosterone Levels, and enjoy much stronger Performance in Bed - Rock Hard Formula is what you need.

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Friday, March 18, 2022

Can a Woman Be Satisfied With a Small Penis?

I am sure you must have heard the old cliché "size does not matter, it what's you do with it". Common do you really believe that. Do you think a woman wouldn't prefer an 8 inches long and 6 inches thick penis to one that is 6 inches in length and 4 inches in girth? 

Yea, that's right penis size matters a lot no matter how many clichés are used to prove that it does not matter, a large penis size would always be superior to small penis size. This is something you just have to accept.

Long ago in most settlements women married as virgins due to customs that forbade premarital sex. Now take a look at what happens in today's modern world. If you were to take a survey of the number of women who were still virgins a year before their weddings it would be like looking for a boat in the Pacific Ocean.

Women have more freedom today than ever before. A woman is free to end a relationship if her lover cannot satisfy her, there is no law stopping her from doing so.

Men with small penises are usually not excited about the idea of making love to a pretty woman because they seem to get disappointed by whatever happens. If she doesn't laugh they get the feeling she is secretly laughing and if she does laugh they feel bad for being ridiculed once again about their small penis size.

These men usually have little or no confidence, unsatisfied partner(s), unsatisfying relationships, poor sex life, and overall incompetency with women. For these men, the simple truth that they were born with small penis sizes is like a nightmare that keeps haunting them.

For most men, the possession of a large penis means they could be classified as being a REAL MAN. We men tend to retain the age-long theory that great sex is dependent on three factors, which are: a wide knowledge of sexual positions, being in full control of one's ejaculations, and having a large penis.
Although various sex therapists have tried to assure men with a small penis that size does not matter when it comes to having great sex with their lovers. 

These sex therapists usually suggest other ways of pleasing their partners like increasing the amount of foreplay before penetration and using sexual positions that allow a large area of the nerves in the vagina to be stimulated.

But these men usually find out that sex becomes more like a planned routine that has to keep followed because any deviation from the plan would leave their lover totally unsatisfied.

Because of the vast amount of websites offering one form of penis enlargement or the other, choosing a method that is safe becomes an uphill task for men wishing to increase their penis size. Some methods like weights, surgery, rings, and pumps end up causing damage to the penis if they are used.

So is there any hope for men who desperately want to transform their small penis into a powerful large penis? Yes of course. Natural penis enlargement methods like penis exercises and herbal penis enlargement pills are a safe and guaranteed way of increasing the size of your penis.

These methods do not involve surgery or chemicals. Herbal penis enlargement pills and penis exercises are a lot more affordable and safer than surgery or any other method of penis enlargement.

If you want to see results faster and to achieve permanent gains then you should combine penis exercises with herbal penis enlargement pills. Before you go buying just any penis exercise program or herbal penis enlargement pills you should ensure you are buying products that have been tested and guaranteed to give you the results that you want.

Now asides from having a larger penis would you like to experience the following benefits?

  • Increased orgasm intensity 
  • Overall improvement in sexual function 
  • Higher sex drive 
  • Increased blood circulation to the genital area 
  • Improvement in urinary flow 
  • More intense orgasms 
  • Increased penis head size 
  • Increased sexual stamina
  •  "Rock" solid erections

Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time.

And if you've ever taken a girl home, gotten hot and heavy and then felt embarrassment and PANIC when you take off your pants and see the look of DISAPPOINTMENT on her face, you need to go check this out right now. I'll tell you right now (and I've got proof), that anyone who tells you "size doesn't matter to women" is flat out lying to your face and trying to make you feel better.

Heck, just recently I asked a focus group of women via an anonymous online survey if size matters, and again and again, they said "Oh my god, I HATE IT when it's SMALL."

For a long time, I didn't know what to tell the guys who'd write to me and ask how to get "bigger."

I'd say something lame like "Women actually like guys who are smaller... you just have to get good with your hands."

Then I found "THE BIBLE of Penis Enlargement" by this guy named John Collins... 

What's crazy about this is that John has ACTUAL VIDEO PROOF that his stuff works...

He's got a literal mountain of testimonials from customers not just SAYING that they added 3 or even FOUR inches...

But actual VIDEOS that can't be faked. I was 100% skeptical until I saw these vids, so even if you think it's "impossible" to get bigger (and there's no pills or suction devices or any of that crap) go check out the overwhelming proof on John's site.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

How to Ensure Your Penis Continues to Get Bigger After Puberty?

 When does my penis stop growing? At what age does my growth spurt slow down or stop completely? And is there any way to continue to keep adding inches beyond the puberty years? 


In this article, we are going to take a quick and easy look at when the average man STOPS getting bigger where it counts, and how you can turn the tide and keep the gains coming... LONG when most are done! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below.

Filed Under: The Average Age When Your Penis STOPS Growing is...

Just about 18 - or the end of puberty. Some men will see ancillary improvements, usually in girth, in the years up to about the age of 21, when 99% of men stop growing in EVERY anatomical area. (other than the gut, when most men START to grow :-)

The truth is that the majority of your manhood size comes between 13-17 or so. So if you are old enough to vote right now, by most conventionally accepted standards, this is as GOOD as it's going to get!

Filed Under: The ONLY Ways to Continue Growing After Puberty...

Honestly? Diet and exercise. There is truly NO other size solution that works, regardless of what you've read. The simple truth is that the only way to grow your size beyond puberty is to work on expanding the spongy tissue located in the corposa cavernosa, which is the primary penile chamber and the ONLY way to truly thicken or lengthen your anatomy in a permanent way.

How does it work so well?

There are lots of different theories, but the one that I tend to believe most is that by manipulating the tissue through exercise, tension, and very specific manual manipulations, the tissue breaks down. When it re-grows, it comes back "tougher" with more thickness and space between the cells. 
Many PE experts also argue that the amount of blood that can fill up between the newly formed tissue is significantly improved as you harder, longer, and STRONGER erections as well, on top of the natural gains in girth and overall size as well.

Diet is a more complex topic, but suffice it to say that there is ample evidence to support that foods high in natural anti-oxidants like dark-colored fruits and vegetables improve the flow of blood to the penis, which when combined with the above, is a proven way to double up your improvements!

The Bottom Line is This...

If you are small and unhappy with what God or nature has given you, you DO have options. And those options don't require you to buy any expensive pills, potions, or lotions. Simple male enhancement exercise, at ANY age, is an easy, effective, and evergreen way to get great gains from home!

And remember, with our modern-day understanding of anatomy, and the variety of holistic, alternative, natural approaches to OPTIMIZING our bodies in all sorts of is now common practice for men everywhere, who know how - to systematically improve, build and increase our penis size and do it quickly.

So while they may be laughing at you behind your me, they won't be for long! Take a little bit of time and learn how your anatomy works, and how simple exercises and optimizations you can make, every day can yield a RADICAL increase in your penis size without the worry. I did... and it was the best decision I ever made!!

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this


I’m not going to lie to you: Penis Enlargement Bible is not for everyone. For example:

  • If you enjoy the risk of taking weird, dangerous penis pills, this is NOT for you.
  • If you think you can ‘pump’ or ‘extend’ your way to a bigger penis… this is not for you.
  • And, if you’re not prepared to follow the blueprint exactly to the letter to grow your penis naturally, this is not for you.

Remember: This is an exact blueprint - anything that produces a bigger penis for any man requires an exact series of steps.

However, it’s FAST, it’s EFFICIENT and it’s SAFE. Fair enough? Hey, if you’re looking for an EASY way out, then Google “Useless Penis Pills” and maybe you’ll get lucky. If you want results that have worked since they were discovered 10 years ago, then read on.

You MUST be okay with doing what the blueprint says. If you are, you’re about to learn the secrets to making your penis bigger, for real!

“So, what do I do next?”

Forget about surgery, pills and weights, they DONT work! This DOES work, but you need to follow the methods contained in the guide.

But don't take my word for it, click here to see actual video proof and testimonials from REAL users:

Monday, March 14, 2022

The Rare Truth About Penis Size

Ask any psychologist, and you hear four words: Penis size doesn't matter. But size matters a great deal to many (most?) men. Why the disconnect? Many reasons. Are there any safe, effective ways to increase size? Yes, but they don't involve pills, potions, or surgery.

Here's why health professionals say size doesn't matter. Any size penis can provide great pleasure for the man it's attached to. An estimated 95 percent of penises are the average size (3 to 5 inches flaccid, 5 to 7 inches erect). Very few are significantly larger or smaller.

When women have been surveyed about what they want in a lover, they consistently mention attractiveness, kindness, caring, listening, sense of humor, and shared interests and values. 

Very few mention penis size. Finally, therapists report that women clients almost never complain about their partner's size. As a result, most say size doesn't matter.

But many (most?) men feel very differently. They've compared themselves to the huge penises they've seen in porn and have concluded: Mine's much smaller. They've received countless junk emails for enlargement products. They've seen casual sex personal ads looking for men with huge ones.

Men are convinced that size is key to women's pleasure and orgasm because a big one stretches the vagina more and penetrates deeper. And if you add up all the authoritative information men receive about size, it amounts to a thimbleful of water in a vast ocean of porn whose message is that hot sex is all about having a huge penis.

Of course, an extra inch couldn't hurt. If you want to be bigger:

Forget enlargement products
They are expensive, cynical frauds, every one of them, and the people who sell them are hucksters who deserve prison. No pill, potion, device, or exercise can permanently enlarge a penis.

Forget surgery
The full monty, lengthening, and girth enhancement, is expensive (around $15,000) and problematic. Lengthening surgery cuts the ligament that makes an erection stand up. This adds an inch, but erections no longer salute. 
They just hang between your legs and must be manually directed into erotic openings. Girth enhancement takes fat from the buttocks and injects it under the penis skin. Sounds good, but quite often, the result is a lumpy, deformed-looking penis.

Quit smoking 
Flaccid or erect, size depends on the amount of blood in the organ. Less blood means a smaller penis. Smoking narrows the arteries, including those that carry blood into the penis. Smoking limits blood flow into the organ, which makes it smaller.

Exercise regularly
Exercise improves arterial health, allowing more blood into the penis. But exercising the penis itself is pointless. The sex media sometimes refer to the penis as the "love muscle," implying that like the biceps, certain exercises can buff it up. 
But there are different kinds of muscle tissue. The penis contains smooth muscle, not the kind that gets bigger with exercise.

Eat less meat and cheese, and more fruits and vegetables
A diet high in animal fat raises cholesterol, which narrows the arteries, including those that carry blood into the penis. 
Try going a day or two a week without meat or cheese. And eat five to eight daily servings of fruits and vegetables. They contain antioxidants that help keep the arteries open.

Lose the pot belly
Exercise, less meat and cheese, and more plant foods help men lose weight, which also helps size. A big belly encroaches on the base of the penis, making the organ look smaller. Lose abdominal fat, and your penis looks larger.

Embrace meditative relaxation
The arteries that carry blood into the penis are surrounded by muscle tissue. When men feel anxious (including worrying about penis size), these muscles contract, constricting the arteries and reducing blood flow and size. 
But as men relax deeply, these muscles also relax, opening the arteries, maximizing blood flow, and boosting size. (Erection drugs work by relaxing these muscles.)

In addition, anxiety triggers the "fight or flight" reflex that sends blood away from the central body, including the penis, and out toward the limbs for escape or self-defense. But as men relax, blood returns to the central body, including the penis.

Stay warm
You've probably noticed that in chilly locker rooms, your penis seems to shrink. But after a hot shower, it looks larger. Warmth is relaxing and increases blood inflow and size. Before sex, bathe or shower with your lover.

Beyond these approaches, here are two ways to enhance size temporarily:

These rubber donut-shaped devices tightly encircle the erect penis. Typically used to help maintain an erection, they also provide a small—temporary—size boost. Flaccid or erect, blood circulates in and out of the penis.

One of the veins that carry blood out runs close to the organ's skin (on top). A ring restricts outflow somewhat by compressing this vein. Don't expect miracles. Any effect is modest and temporary.

These plastic tubes create a partial vacuum around the penis. The vacuum draws blood into the organ, resulting in temporary size enhancement. 
Models differ, but all include a plastic tube and a pump operated by a hand bulb. You squeeze the bulb, which evacuates air from the tube, drawing a little extra blood into the penis. Just remember, the effect is modest and temporary.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Discover a Simple Cure For Premature Ejaculation Using Masturbation As a Tool

Premature ejaculation, an ailment that has been reported to affect as many as 50% of all American men, can be absolutely devastating both to your relationship's health and to your own mental health.

Premature ejaculation is something that can make you feel both powerless and worthless, two of the worst feelings in the entire world.

Surely there must be something that can be done to combat this terrible condition?

Well, truthfully, there is. The best part is that it's simpler than you'd think. My goal here is to save you time and money reading through huge volumes of ebooks, or searching around online for solutions. I'm going to tell you the basic principles behind premature ejaculation, and what you can do to fix it.

So, as you may or may not know, premature ejaculation is a condition that is primarily created by your psychology, or in other words your brain, NOT your body.

Therefore, it makes sense that the majority of our efforts to cure our ailment should be focused towards correcting any mental problems that we have.

Alright, so how can we fix the mental side of premature ejaculation? Well, I have one method that I'd like to talk you through here that I think is probably my favorite one available.

It's sort of a form of masturbation, and here's how it works:

What you're basically going to do is start masturbating as normal. Make sure that you've found yourself a nice cozy and secluded place, some place where you won't be easily disturbed. This is important especially when first beginning, as concentration is very important to this exercise.

Once you're all situated, continue as normal until you approach what you feel is the feeling right before ejaculation. Once you get there you need to STOP masturbating. Take a few deep breaths and cool yourself down. What I like to do is count to 60. Don't worry if you loose your erection a little bit, that'll be something that you'll learn to control with time.

Now, once you've backed away from the edge of your orgasm, you can go ahead and start masturbating again as normal.

You're going to repeat this exact process three times before you allow yourself to reach orgasm. I would try and do this at least 3 times a week, more if you can.

What this technique is going to do is teach your body to handle being close to an orgasm, and sort of train yourself to back off. Remember to always take your time with this won't do you any good at all if you rush yourself.

I know that once you start practicing this technique you'll start to master your ejaculation. 

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Your special FREE report...

Are you struggling with your performance in bed?

More specifically, is your inability to last long enough for your partner making you feel anxious about sex?

If so, I'm glad to see you've made the right decision by getting your exclusive copy of "Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control".

If you want to permanently end the pain and embarrassment of premature ejaculation and enjoy transformative sex, read this right away:

Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control

THEN pay CLOSE attention to the messages that arrive in your inbox. You're going to learn valuable tips and strategies that 90% of men will never know about combating PE. This will put you in TOTAL control and allow you to SUPERCHARGE your performance in bed.

So now it's time to open up your copy of the report and take that crucial first step...

Friday, March 11, 2022

Can Botox "Help" an Erect Penis?

Many readers are aware of a growing trend among some men to use Botox injections to "smooth out" their penis and scrotum skin. Now it has been revealed that there are some doctors using Botox to help a man achieve or maintain an erect penis. 


Clearly, this raises issues around the subject of penis health and safety, as well as questions about whether these treatments are effective.

About Botox

Most people have heard of Botox, but what is it exactly? Technically, Botox is a brand name which refers to onabotulinumtoxinA, a form of the neurotoxic protein called botulinum toxin. 

Botulinum toxin, in its natural form, is a very dangerous poison, the cause of botulism. The form used in clinical purposes is less dangerous; however, it does carry the risk of side effects, some of which can be serious or even life-threatening.

Botox was originally used as a medicine to fight a range of muscle spasm issues. However, it gained popularity after it was discovered that it could be used to fight wrinkles and smooth out skin, making a person appear younger. Many women (and men) have gone to a doctor and suffered having needles ejected into their faces to remove the evidence of their age.

As mentioned, it was more recently determined that injecting Botox into the penis and balls helped smooth out those body parts as well - and some men have opted for this treatment.

Erect penis use

But there have also been a few studies that focus on what else might happen if Botox was injected into the penis - specifically, would it have any effect on an erect penis? And at least two studies indicate that it can.

Premature ejaculation

An animal study indicated that Botox injections might help an erect penis delay in ejaculating. Since premature ejaculation is a common issue among men - and since even those who typically are not premature may wish to find a way to last even longer - this development could be of interest if it works.

In the animal study, the Botox was injected directly into the bulbospongius muscle, which is used in the ejaculatory process. The injection partially paralyzed the muscle, so that it did not go to work as early as it typically does. In the animal model, typical ejaculation occurred after 6 ½ minutes; those who were Botox injected lasted ten minutes.

A clinical trial in humans is ongoing; it will be interesting to see if there are similar results in human males.

Erectile dysfunction

The other possible therapeutic area for Botox involved getting an erect penis in the first place. In this instance, the drug relaxes the smooth muscle of the penis, which should allow for easier, fuller blood flow into the penis. 

A small clinical trial in humans was promising, although larger trials are needed to determine its real effectiveness - and what the proper dose should be. (Relaxing the smooth muscle too much for too long could bring about unwanted priapism.)

Recommended WatchingHow to Fix Erectile Dysfunction without Viagra (100% Works)

Men who are interested in using Botox for their erect penis should realize that the FDA has not approved its use for these purposes yet. There is still a lot that is not known, and as stated, there are some substantial risks associated with Botox.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

What Morning Wood Tells a Man?

 Ah, morning wood - frequently the first friend a man sees when he wakes up in the morning. That erect penis that greets so many men at the start of the day is so familiar that most of us take it for granted. 


A guy barely gives it a thought (although he may occasionally give it a few tugs when he has the time), but that morning wood can tell a man a lot about his penis health - and even something about his overall health as well.

Why an erect penis in the morning?

So waking up with an erect penis is common - but why should it be? What is it about sleeping that causes morning wood? To understand that, it's necessary to first understand the whole erection process.

The process

Clearly, a man's penis becomes erect in order to facilitate sexual activity. Without a suitable erection, intercourse, oral sex, masturbation or any other form of sex is not possible.

Most of the time, erection occurs as a result of arousal. That means a man receives some form of sensory input - a pheromone scent, a visual that creates sex appeal, a manual stimulation of the organ, etc. - that the brain interprets as pleasurable.

It responds by telling the body to release chemicals that cause the penis to become engorged with blood. The strength of the sensory input (and the health functioning of the penis) will determine how firm the penis becomes and how long it stays firm.

During the waking hours, men get erections when they see someone wearing revealing clothing or hear someone speaking in a sultry voice. But they may also get erections for no apparent reason. Often this is due to the spinal cord releasing the chemicals that bring about a reaction at random intervals.


So why is a man waking up erect? Because during sleep, a person goes through several cycles of what is called REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep. 

During the phases of REM sleep, the brain is likely to release the chemicals responsible for arousal. And most of the time when a man wakes up, he is coming out of an REM phase - and hence is more likely to sport a bit of morning wood.

In some instances, a man may wake up with an erection because he has a need to urinate and the sleeping body responds to that by forming an erection, which makes it less likely that the man will urinate while sleeping.

Health indicator

It's generally a good sign to wake up with an erect penis. It's clearly a sign that things are functioning well, that the penis is capable of achieving erections and that there is no reason to assume serious tissue damage or other penis health issues. 

And by increasing oxygen flow to the penis (through the increased flow of blood), the nocturnal and morning erections help to maintain that health.

What about men who don't regularly wake up with an erection? It may be a sign of erectile dysfunction and/or low testosterone levels. It may also indicate some other health issues. For example, lack of regular, firm erections may indicate some cardiac or blood pressure issues.

Diabetes can also affect erectile activity, as can depression (even when asleep). So men who do not find themselves with morning wood on a fairly regular basis may want to check with a doctor for other possible concerns.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Dangers of Seeking Fast Penis Enlargement Remedies

In their haste to achieve desired results, men sometimes take more than the recommended dosage of supplements recommended and suffer from unwarranted reactions. They then blame the product and write nasty remarks about it. 

There are other scammers who advertise products for fast penis enlargement that do not work. The media is responsible for the hype created about different products and if a manufacturer is willing to pay, the promoters work that much harder to try and sell it.

Though some male enhancement products claim instant results, it is advisable to take the recommended dose as per the instructions and await results gradually. 

Any supplement that works instantly should be given a chance to work changes in the body over a couple of months and ensure that the results are long lasting as well as satisfactory.

The manufacturers of VigRx Plus have introduced a new ingredient to their original VigRx fast penis enlargement supplements. This ingredient, Bioprene helps to absorb the properties of the other ingredients faster. You can get the details of their product online. 

Most enhancement products that use safe and natural herbs do not require a medical prescription. The manufacturers list out certain "Do's and Don'ts which should be adhered to, if one wishes to experience fast penis enlargement that will promote the sex drive.

As our bodies advance in age, more nutrients and proteins are required to help the body continue to work efficiently. Failure of this leads to many health related problems such as stiff joints, hypertension etc. 

To replenish these vitamins and minerals, natural supplements play their part and help to promote the growth of healthier sex hormones. Men and women feel energized and are able to lead healthy normal lives. Diet and exercise are also important to promote good health.

Precaution should be taken when investing in a product. A family doctor could help in assuring you about a certain product that you think may work for you. 

If you have any health problems where sudden changes and reactions in the body may cause more harm than good, it is better to seek consultation. Your health is precious and it is up to you to ensure you look after it.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Can Vaseline Make Your Penis Bigger?

There are some articles that claim that vaseline can make your penis bigger but it's not actually the vaseline that causes that. It is caused by penis enlargement exercises.


It is because some men advise that in order to perform these penis enlargement exercises, it is advisable to completely lubricate the male reproductive system. And vaseline is one of those recommended lubricants.

Vaseline turns out to be an excellent lubricant for penis enlargement exercises because it does not dry out too quickly. However, the only problem with petroleum jelly is that it is quite messy and you will have to clean yourself up afterward.

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Monday, March 7, 2022

What Is The Average Penis Size? SHOCKING Results Inside!

Guys all around the world have discussed, argued, and worried about the average-sized penis for decades. Let's face facts, having a small penis is an issue that can affect both men and women. For a man, there is the embarrassment of having to change in the all-male showers at the gym. 

Or perhaps the humiliation of being naked in front of a woman. For women, a guy that has a below-average penis size could well limit their sexual enjoyment and pleasure.

So it appears a man's penis size is a subject that is often thought about and discussed by millions of people the world over. Let's get straight to the point.

The average penis size of a black person is 6.5 inches however that doesn't mean all black men are well hung. Some black men are very small just like any other race. The average penis size of a white person is 6 inches and the average penis size of an oriental person is 5.5 inches.

Although this doesn't seem like much of a difference between these races, a 0.5-inch increase is actually a lot of difference because the overall volume of penile tissues is much increased.

However, the average penis measure 5.9 inches in length and approximately 5 inches in girth. Now you may come in well above average, but you may still wish to increase the size of your penis.

Having an erect penis that is 6 and a half inches in length may be above the norm, but it will not stop you from feeling inadequate. We all know there are guys out there who have penises that are 7 or 8 and even 9 inches long...and just like most guys, we all aspire to increase the size of our penis. So is there a way to increase penis size naturally?

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Download this FREE male enlargement video guide before John changes his mind (Add 2-3" by the end of next month)

let's be honest. There are a lot of crazy devices, pumps, and p.ills that all claim to be the solution to adding BIG length to your penis. However, most, if not all of these solutions don't pan out, or the growth is only temporary.
I guess you could always consider surgery, but if you are anything like me, the thought of having a sharp metal object anywhere near your junk makes you quiver with blood-curdling fear.

Well, it just so happens my friend John, who I met at a men's health conference a few years back, has literally stumbled upon the key to natural male growth. Unlike other systems out there, his involves two unique components: 

1. Restarting biological growth that boys experienced during puberty, turning them into men.

2. Performing tested and targeted exercises to encourage blood flow and supersize growth.

John has just released a completely ZERO COST enlargement exercises guide where you can discover the proven techniques to start REAL and PERMANENT growth. 

To be honest, I don't know why he has decided to give this information away and not charge for it. Other male enlargement exercise guides available online sell for $50, or even $100. Anyway, when something like this comes along I know to take it and run, and not ask any questions!

Make sure you grab the guide as soon as you can. You can be well on your way to an extra one to three inches in just a few weeks.

Download the enlargement exercises guide here

Friday, March 4, 2022

7 Questions About Increasing Penis Size Answered in Under 7 Minutes

How much do you really know about REAL natural male enhancement? Do you read a lot of articles on optimizing and improving sexual performance? Maybe you know a fair amount about penis enlargement products or programs, but simply have never taken the plunge?


Or maybe, like many of our readers, you are confused and conflicted about which male enhancement method works best? Or, maybe like me when I first began this journey, you are curious... but NOT yet convinced that anything can help you at all. In this article, we are going to take a quick and easy look at 7 common questions about penis size in under 7 minutes.

No filler or fluff, these questions are taken directly, and verbatim, from the over 500 questions we've fielded over the last few years, publishing hundreds of articles that have been read by hundreds of thousands of men (and women!) about men's health, optimal sexual performance, and specifically, natural male enhancement exercise.

Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Q1: Is jelqing the ONE term that refers to ALL natural male enhancement exercises?

Absolutely not. One of the biggest sources of confusion in the men's health industry, specifically as it pertains to penis size, is the way many terms are used interchangeably, to the detriment of the reader. Jelqing refers to a very specific type of exercise done to stretch and stress the spongy tissue in the penis. There are many other very effective techniques that are completely different, and work totally different areas of the anatomy as well.

Q2: How soon will my actual anatomy get bigger?

Good question. Many men see dramatic changes after a few weeks. Others can take several months. Still, others still, will see no real gains from PE exercises at all. As a general rule, if you do the basic exercises every day for about 8-10 minutes, you SHOULD feel noticeable improvements in about 2 weeks, and visually see a difference in about 3. (Typically, the first to notice will be your partner, often far faster than that!)

Q3: Is any of this dangerous?

In principle, no. No male enhancement regimen should be painful, or dangerous. The truth is, some men STILL manage to hurt themselves while practicing the jelq, and other common exercises. Injuries tend to occur only because of over-exertion or enthusiasm, or most commonly, due to bad form, technique, or a misunderstanding of how to actually DO the exercises.

Q4: What role does diet play in increasing penis size?

A significant one. One of the fastest ways to improve your results from any PE regimen is to change your diet to one high in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and other naturally occurring foods that enhance blood flow and cardiovascular health. Green vegetables, oily fish, dark berries, and other similar selections can really amp UP your improvements from any type of exercise. This is especially true for these.

Q5: Is it possible my erection is getting smaller with age?

We hear this one a lot! The truth is if you consume a lot of alcohol, fatty processed foods, and cigarettes, your erection size, strength, and length will atrophy with age. Anything that constricts the blood vessels will prevent the full flow of blood to and through the lower parts of your body, and this obviously includes your sexual organs.

Erection size is highly regulated by 4 factors. Genetics, blood flow, the robustness of the tissue in the penis, and mental or cognitive factors that can affect stress, and cortisol production in the body. (stress has an adverse effect on erection size) The good news? You can control everything outside of genetics and this is why a good PE regimen often works so well.

Q6: What is the absolute BEST way to increase penis size, 100% of the time?

There is only one strategy that always works. Phalloplasty. This is surgical male enhancement. The downside is it's complicated, expensive, painful, problematic, and can often lead to far bigger problems than it fixed. As a general and little-known "rule", phalloplasty has the highest patient dissatisfaction levels of any elective surgery. We don't recommend it.

Q7: Does size really matter?

This is the one proverbial question we can't really answer. Most studies that are done are informal, private, and often done in jest, so it's hard to really know what your partner REALLY thinks about penis size.

That said, women, we've asked in our own communities (and this includes thousands of blog comments) generally tend to side with bigger, and wider, generally does feel much better during actual intercourse. Many other women have a vanity attraction to a man with a larger penis and associate more masculine and powerful attributes to those of us who do. 

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DON'T Do This To Make It Bigger

Do you want a longer and thicker penis without expensive surgery, extenders, or suction devices that just don't work?

Introducing the Penis Enlargement Bible, a 94-page downloadable e-book that has an exclusive two-step system that can grow your penis by between 2 and 4 inches within 89 days using safe natural methods.

The methods and techniques in the PE Bible are exclusives to this unique program. The two-step system involves low-cost off-shelf natural supplements and a specially designed exercise program. Many users experience gains of almost an inch within just a few weeks of starting this unique program!

Imagine having 2-4 inches of extra length and girth added onto your penis size, this Penis Enlargement Bible makes it possible. Over 5000 copies of this product have already been sold, and unlike most products on the market, there is real video proof from actual users that show REAL results. 

Forget about surgery, pills, and weights, they DONT work! This DOES work, but you need to follow the methods contained in the guide. But don't take my word for it, click here to see actual video proof and testimonials from REAL users:

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Why A Condom Size Chart Is Essential For Penis Enlargement Lovers

 With the number of penis enlargement users skyrocketing every year, the importance of a condom size chart cannot be over-emphasized. As methods of male enhancement continue to improve, a high number of men are experiencing real growth in penis size.

Whilst this is fantastic news for those that previously may have felt humiliation and anxiety about their diminutive size, the fact remains that men have to make the correct choice in size when it comes to choosing a condom. This is even more important for those men that are currently engaging in any method of penis enlargement.

As the penis continues to increase in length and girth over the weeks or months, it is quite likely that the condom size that used to be a perfect fit prior to penile enhancement will not be anymore. 

You will need to measure your penis first so you can compare it against condoms to get the right fit. A condom size chart is a basic information given often by various brand names about their sizing to help users choose the correct condom size.

How To Find The Right Size?

Due to the fact that every penis is different, having one single comprehensive condom size chart seems impossible. Many brands tend to have their own opinion as to what is regular, large, and extra-large. 

However most brands have their exact measurements at the back, this helps in making the right choice once you've taken your penile measurement. Another tip is to try various brands to see which one feels most comfortable and fits you best.

Importance of choosing the right size condom?

Condoms are worn to protect against infection and unwanted pregnancies.

Using a smaller-sized condom can be very uncomfortable.

If it's too big it can easily slip off.

A poorly fitted condom increases the chances of breakage during intercourse and is a major reason why users tend to remove the condom before the end of intercourse, which defeats the whole objective.

Tom Candow is an expert in natural male enhancement. And believes strongly in the use of a Condom Size Chart. Don't disappoint yourself or the woman in your bed with a small penis.

Go to discover the No.1 award-winning stem cell penile enlargement exercise program that thousands of happy men have successfully used to increase their penile size permanently. It's easy when you know what really works.

In the Tom Candow program, some exercises are described to enlarge the penis that with the help of those exercises the deactivated cells can be activated easily.

Important: Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in just weeks PERMANENTLY without unknown pills, surgery, or contraptions? 

To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout. You can try the most reliable award-winning exercises program to help enlarge your penis size in just a matter of weeks. You can do it at home by just using your hands.

You can download the full exercises workout IMMEDIATELY. You will be amazed as your woman won't stop thanking you for the whole night. Find out now!