Friday, March 18, 2022

Can a Woman Be Satisfied With a Small Penis?

I am sure you must have heard the old cliché "size does not matter, it what's you do with it". Common do you really believe that. Do you think a woman wouldn't prefer an 8 inches long and 6 inches thick penis to one that is 6 inches in length and 4 inches in girth? 

Yea, that's right penis size matters a lot no matter how many clichés are used to prove that it does not matter, a large penis size would always be superior to small penis size. This is something you just have to accept.

Long ago in most settlements women married as virgins due to customs that forbade premarital sex. Now take a look at what happens in today's modern world. If you were to take a survey of the number of women who were still virgins a year before their weddings it would be like looking for a boat in the Pacific Ocean.

Women have more freedom today than ever before. A woman is free to end a relationship if her lover cannot satisfy her, there is no law stopping her from doing so.

Men with small penises are usually not excited about the idea of making love to a pretty woman because they seem to get disappointed by whatever happens. If she doesn't laugh they get the feeling she is secretly laughing and if she does laugh they feel bad for being ridiculed once again about their small penis size.

These men usually have little or no confidence, unsatisfied partner(s), unsatisfying relationships, poor sex life, and overall incompetency with women. For these men, the simple truth that they were born with small penis sizes is like a nightmare that keeps haunting them.

For most men, the possession of a large penis means they could be classified as being a REAL MAN. We men tend to retain the age-long theory that great sex is dependent on three factors, which are: a wide knowledge of sexual positions, being in full control of one's ejaculations, and having a large penis.
Although various sex therapists have tried to assure men with a small penis that size does not matter when it comes to having great sex with their lovers. 

These sex therapists usually suggest other ways of pleasing their partners like increasing the amount of foreplay before penetration and using sexual positions that allow a large area of the nerves in the vagina to be stimulated.

But these men usually find out that sex becomes more like a planned routine that has to keep followed because any deviation from the plan would leave their lover totally unsatisfied.

Because of the vast amount of websites offering one form of penis enlargement or the other, choosing a method that is safe becomes an uphill task for men wishing to increase their penis size. Some methods like weights, surgery, rings, and pumps end up causing damage to the penis if they are used.

So is there any hope for men who desperately want to transform their small penis into a powerful large penis? Yes of course. Natural penis enlargement methods like penis exercises and herbal penis enlargement pills are a safe and guaranteed way of increasing the size of your penis.

These methods do not involve surgery or chemicals. Herbal penis enlargement pills and penis exercises are a lot more affordable and safer than surgery or any other method of penis enlargement.

If you want to see results faster and to achieve permanent gains then you should combine penis exercises with herbal penis enlargement pills. Before you go buying just any penis exercise program or herbal penis enlargement pills you should ensure you are buying products that have been tested and guaranteed to give you the results that you want.

Now asides from having a larger penis would you like to experience the following benefits?

  • Increased orgasm intensity 
  • Overall improvement in sexual function 
  • Higher sex drive 
  • Increased blood circulation to the genital area 
  • Improvement in urinary flow 
  • More intense orgasms 
  • Increased penis head size 
  • Increased sexual stamina
  •  "Rock" solid erections

Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time.

And if you've ever taken a girl home, gotten hot and heavy and then felt embarrassment and PANIC when you take off your pants and see the look of DISAPPOINTMENT on her face, you need to go check this out right now. I'll tell you right now (and I've got proof), that anyone who tells you "size doesn't matter to women" is flat out lying to your face and trying to make you feel better.

Heck, just recently I asked a focus group of women via an anonymous online survey if size matters, and again and again, they said "Oh my god, I HATE IT when it's SMALL."

For a long time, I didn't know what to tell the guys who'd write to me and ask how to get "bigger."

I'd say something lame like "Women actually like guys who are smaller... you just have to get good with your hands."

Then I found "THE BIBLE of Penis Enlargement" by this guy named John Collins... 

What's crazy about this is that John has ACTUAL VIDEO PROOF that his stuff works...

He's got a literal mountain of testimonials from customers not just SAYING that they added 3 or even FOUR inches...

But actual VIDEOS that can't be faked. I was 100% skeptical until I saw these vids, so even if you think it's "impossible" to get bigger (and there's no pills or suction devices or any of that crap) go check out the overwhelming proof on John's site.