Sunday, February 27, 2022

Penis Enlargement Pills Or Penile Enlargement Exercises - Which Is Better?

As long as humans still engage in sexual intercourse for pleasure, men would always desire a bigger penis size. As we know not all men were born with a big, thick, and long penis. And any man endowed with a big penis would always be referred to as the man of all men by both women and men. 

Sadly this is also the case for men who are unfortunate to be born with a small penis. Such individuals always face ridicule in one way or the other. They are usually laughed at, bullied, or mocked just because of their imperfection.

To stop the humiliation that men go through some companies have invented penis enlargement products that can remedy the problem caused by a small penis. 

Such products include exercise, weights, devices, pills, etc. Of the entire product in the market, penis enlargement pills and penile enlargement exercises are the most popular.

Men have used penile enlargement exercises for a very long time. Jelqing is the most common penis enlargement exercise. This technique originated from Arabia and was passed on from father to son. This was to enable young men to please their future wives. Power jelqing and milking are the common names for these exercises.

The Jelq increases the girth and length of your penis when performed properly. The jelq entails you massaging your penis from the base to the head. There are so many variations of the jelq and quite a number of men have achieved their desired penis size by performing this exercise every day.

Asides Jelqing there are other penis enlargement exercises that can be used to lengthen your penis, but one thing to note is that applying too much pressure on your penis can damage it. 

One common complaint from men who overzealously perform penile enlargement exercises is temporary erection damage, which would result in you having to stay away from sexual intercourse for a while. 

Always follow the instructions given by the penis enlargement exercise program that you sign up with. This is one reason why you should avoid using just any penis enlargement exercise you come across, as there is always the risk of injury if used without adequate safety instructions. 

But asides from that the use of penile enlargement exercises is a very safe and inexpensive method of adding inches to both your penis length and girth.

Another common option of penis enhancement is the use of penis enlargement pills. These pills are made of herbs and plant extracts. The best penis pills in the market had nutritional experts, doctors, and scientists all contributing to ensure that there are no side effects when used. The all-natural composition of these pills makes them easily absorbable by the body.

Although taking herbal penis enlargement pills is sure to give you a larger penis size, it is advisable you engage in penis enlargement exercise to ensure that your gains remain permanent. Avoid overdoing the exercises or else you could damage your penis. 

And do not take more than the prescribed dosage of penis enlargement pills. Remember a combination of pills and exercises would give you the size you desire in the shortest possible time and you do not have to worry about losing your new size as the exercises manually expand and stretch your penile tissues ensuring you have a big penis.

Important: Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in just weeks PERMANENTLY without unknown pills, surgery, or contraptions? 

To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout. You can try the most reliable award-winning exercises program to help enlarge your penis size in just a matter of weeks. You can do it at home by just using your hands.

You can download the full exercises workout IMMEDIATELY. You will be amazed as your woman won't stop thanking you for the whole night. Find out now!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

5 Steps to the Perfect Jelqing Routine to Make Your Penis Bigger!

Most men who wish to increase penis size naturally seem to turn to exercise their manhood. There are numerous different exercises for you to attempt, all of which are dedicated to making your penis bigger. 

Whether you wish to increase the length or girth of your member or even to improve your overall sexual performance, there are exercises to help you. In this article, I would like to introduce you to the 5 steps to perform the perfect "jelqing" routine. Believe me, this will make your penis BIGGER!

1. Before you start any jelqing exercises you will always need to apply lubrication to your manhood. You can use hemp oil, massage oil, or my personal favorite vaseline intensive care. Whatever you do, never use soap. Your member will blister up and you will be sore down below for weeks!

2. When jelqing to increase your penis size it is extremely important that you are semi-erect. Never jelq the penis flaccid or fully erect. Aim for 50%-75% erect. 

Between your forefinger and thumb squeeze the shaft of your penis towards the base and stroke up the shaft and stop just before the head. Use alternate hands and make sure each stroke lasts for approximately 3-5 seconds. Once you have reached the desired level of erection...stop!

3. Next grasp your manhood with the OK grip. Touch your forefinger and thumb together, thus making the OK sign. Then grip tightly around your member as close to the pubic bone as possible. Remember if you wish to increase penis size naturally you need to be firm with your manhood, but not so much that you cause yourself an injury!

4. Now stretch the penis downwards and out and stroke from the base to the head. The stroking movement is literally like a milking-type action. As mentioned make sure each stroke lasts for 3-5 seconds.

5. In order to make your penis bigger you should start out slowly and gradually build up your intensity. You should jelq with alternate hands to ensure there is a constant tension in your manhood. 

I would suggest in your first week aim for 150-200 jelqs per session. That should take you no longer than 8-10 minutes. Week 2 aims for 250-400 jelqs and from then onwards try and complete 500 jelqs per session. This should take no longer than 20 minutes.

Please remember that if you wish to increase penis size naturally, there is far more to learn about exercising your manhood. Your best course of action is to find a reputable penis exercise program and study up this fantastic way to make your penis bigger.

Want to see a Jelqing Video? 

Check this one out. It shows you exactly how to perform the exercises safely, and they only take 6 minutes a day. 

Friday, February 25, 2022

Which Oil is Best for Penis Growth? Best Enlargement Oil

It's been said that there are penis oils on the market that offer you such benefits as, a much stronger and firmer erection, huge ejaculations, increase sexual sensitivity, and long-lasting orgasms.  But seriously how can one oil really do all this?  

Well, the honest and genuine answer is they can't!  They absolutely cannot do all of these things, it's common sense tied in with case study after case study, not only with my clients but also with many others online.  

What you need to remember though is this, you can actually achieve all of those things with exercises and food replacements, such as supplements or live alkaline green superfoods.

You see I've been practicing these exercises and dietary methods for quite some time now and I can tell you first hand that they truly do work, without all the hyped-up potions that go for $70 a pop!  The amount of guys that fall for these tricks is almost sickening and should be considered daylight robbery.  

By all means, don't take my word for it, why no go ahead and buy yourself a tube of the magic stuff, see what it does for you in a couple of weeks, if it does nothing then at least you know I was telling the truth, also read the below exercises and dietary guild lines which are easy to follow and get you where you want to be?

Which Oil is Best for Penis Growth?

There are many penis oils made of natural ingredients that claim to be penis enlargement oils. Many of these claim to be the best enlargement oil for the penis. These oils may contain one or more of the following ingredients:

  • Ginseng – studies suggest that this natural herb that helps with erectile dysfunction
  • Gingko Biloba – improves blood flow
  • Citrulline – helps you maintain firmer erections
  • Cinnamon – research has found that it stimulates sperm production
  • Clove – extract can help increase sexual performance
  • Aloe Vera – works as a lubricant and base

What you should apply to your penis

Only apply your HANDS!  that's right only your hand should be doing the hard work, not some bogus oil.  Take either hand and wrap it around your penis, now squeeze and hold for 10 seconds and release, do this again for a further 20 times and relax.  

What this will do is push the blood to the head of the penis and start a growth pattern which is called biochemistry cell regeneration.  You are basically forcing the chambers in the penis to hold more blood than they could before which will help erections and the size in length and also girth.

How to add extra growth to your diet

Start drinking 2 liters of water a day and makes sure you eat more Iron and Zinc, this will really start to heat things up with your ejaculations and intensify your orgasms.  Another great superfood is a rocket, this stuff is amazing, if you eat it on a daily basis with oily fish you will see a drastic change in a few days.  Enjoy! 

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

A Penis Growth Program With Actual Video Proof That It Works!

Let's be honest, penis size is an important aspect of any man's life whether they want to admit it or not. The market is flooded with products and solutions that claim to have the answer to making your member bigger, but usually, these products fail to deliver. 

Luckily, I happened to come across what might be the "Holy Grail of Penis Enlargement", it's written by this guy named John Collins and it's called the Penis Enlargement Bible.

What I found mind-blowing about John's program is that he backs up his claims with actual video proof and testimonials from customers who have used the product. It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I would say most of these videos are worth 3 to 4 inches!

Forget extenders, pills, suction devices, and surgery. They are either expensive, too painful or they just don't work. 

The Penis Enlargement Bible is a proven two-step program that combines natural over-the-counter supplements with a specially designed exercise regime to achieve up to 4" of growth within just a few months.

If you are serious about getting bigger, check out the Penis Enlargement Bible here: 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

At What Age Do Most Men Stop Penis Growing?

When does my penis stop growing? Is there a certain age that stops? At or about puberty? Or how about when I turn 18? Can my penis continue to grow for LONG after the rest of my body stops? Or does it all work together? 

In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at when your penis stops growing...and learn how just about any man who wants to can quickly and easily improve his size at any age at all. Curious to know more? Great.....continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Okay.....but doesn't penis size STOP increasing at puberty? I thought this was the ONLY real growth spurt there was?

The truth? Absolutely not. Your male anatomy DOES tend to "stop" growing naturally at an age that precedes other growth (like height or tallness for example) but it certainly continues beyond the ages of 13 or 14. 

Most doctors tend to believe the "seeds" for size are well established though by the puberty if you are unusually small at 13 or 14....the likelihood of getting GREAT gains later is not as likely as getting significantly taller for example...or growing in other areas altogether.

So if penis size stops increasing at puberty or thereabouts.....does this mean I am STUCK with my size from this point forward?

Again, definitely not. Remember, in the above, the operative word is "naturally". The fact is, your body will obviously grow on its own for much of this time, without any input from you. 

But much like any other area of anatomical self-improvement, if you want to change the "gifts" that nature has given you, you must do them on your own....through taking matters into your own hands.

The ONLY Ways to Continue Growing After Puberty...

Honestly? Diet and exercise. There is truly NO other size solution that works, regardless of what you've read. The simple truth is that the only way to grow your size beyond puberty is to work on expanding the spongy tissue located in the corposa cavernosa, which is the primary penile chamber and the ONLY way to truly thicken or lengthen your anatomy in a permanent way.

How does it work so well?

There are lots of different theories, but the one that I tend to believe most is that by manipulating the tissue through exercise, tension, and very specific manual manipulations, the tissue breaks down. When it re-grows, it comes back "tougher" with more thickness and space between the cells. 

Many PE experts also argue that the amount of blood that can fill up between the newly formed tissue is significantly improved as you harder, longer, and STRONGER erections as well, on top of the natural gains in girth and overall size as well.

Diet is a more complex topic, but suffice it to say that there is ample evidence to support that foods high in natural antioxidants like dark-colored fruits and vegetables improve the flow of blood to the penis, which when combined with the above, is a proven way to double up your improvements!

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

A Penis Growth Program With Actual Video Proof That It Works!

Let's be honest, penis size is an important aspect of any man's life whether they want to admit it or not. The market is flooded with products and solutions that claim to have the answer to making your member bigger, but usually, these products fail to deliver. 

Luckily, I happened to come across what might be the "Holy Grail of Penis Enlargement", it's written by this guy named John Collins and it's called the Penis Enlargement Bible.

What I found mind-blowing about John's program is that he backs up his claims with actual video proof and testimonials from customers who have used the product. It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I would say most of these videos are worth 3 to 4 inches!

Forget extenders, pills, suction devices, and surgery. They are either expensive, too painful or they just don't work. 

The Penis Enlargement Bible is a proven two-step program that combines natural over-the-counter supplements with a specially designed exercise regime to achieve up to 4" of growth within just a few months.

If you are serious about getting bigger, check out the Penis Enlargement Bible here: 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Hydromax Penis Enlargement Pump And Their Safety

How convenient is penis enlargement pumping? Just to be on the safe side, your sexual performance and stamina, pleasing your partner by giving her longer orgasms.

How to choose the best products on the market for penis pumping? When choosing the right product for you, look at the following criteria: The supposed size gain, i.e. how many inches the producers promise to add to your length and girth, ingredients, money-back guarantees. 

Benefit Using Hydromax Xtreme Series 3 month Review and result:

  • Permanent girth gain -> 0.50" (more notable - better erections)
  • 12 to 24 hours girth gain -> 0.20"
  • 4 to 6 hours girth gain -> 0.28"
  • 1 to 2 hours girth gain -> 0.35"
  • Permanent length gain: 0.45" (similar to girth, improved EQ)

Bathmate Hercules and Goliath are available in various colors including red, clear, and blue:

The Bathmate Hercules is our original design and the first of the Bathmate product lines. The Hercules has been a number one selling penis enlargement training device since 2007. For many years it has had a lot of success in both Europe and The United States. 

Using advanced technology and years of research the Bathmate Hercules was designed with the first-time user in mind. It offers an easy-to-use product that provides solid results. 

The Bathmate Hercules is a great choice for the first-time user that is looking for maximum results from a quality penis enlargement hydraulic pump. Get yours today and start improving your confidence and sex life!

How does this pump work? please learn more at to see the video and an explanation that this pump really works. 

For Faster Result and More Power...Check Out The New & improved Bathmate Xtreme Models: 3rd Gen. Xtreme X30 Pump. 

Bathmate Hercules Benefits:

  • Add up to 2 inches in length
  • Increase girth by up to 40%
  • Produces rock hard erections
  • 95% Success Rate
  • Instant Visible Results
  • 250% More Efficient than Air Pumps

Hopefully, this article can help those of you who want to have a longer penis size with the pump method. Prove it yourself and get the benefits.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

A Penis Growth Program With Actual Video Proof That It Works!

Let's be honest, penis size is an important aspect of any man's life whether they want to admit it or not. The market is flooded with products and solutions that claim to have the answer to making your member bigger, but usually, these products fail to deliver. 

Luckily, I happened to come across what might be the "Holy Grail of Penis Enlargement", it's written by this guy named John Collins and it's called the Penis Enlargement Bible.

What I found mind-blowing about John's program is that he backs up his claims with actual video proof and testimonials from customers who have used the product. It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I would say most of these videos are worth 3 to 4 inches!

Forget extenders, pills, suction devices, and surgery. They are either expensive, too painful or they just don't work. 

The Penis Enlargement Bible is a proven two-step program that combines natural over-the-counter supplements with a specially designed exercise regime to achieve up to 4" of growth within just a few months.

If you are serious about getting bigger, check out the Penis Enlargement Bible here: 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

FAQs About Sex Drive And Penis Enlargement

Do you have a high sex drive? Do you feel that your libido is low? These two feelings can be the result of a number of things, but more than likely, it's a penis enlargement issue. 

You see there is a form of penis enlargement called penis enlargement exercises that you can do that will totally revolutionize your love life. If you haven't heard of penis exercises, now is a great time to learn more about them.

If sex is currently a procedure where there is more anxiety rather than pleasure, then you have a problem. If you're someone that could be described as someone who doesn't have an active sex life, then there are some things that you can do to fix this issue. 

In this article, we will go over some of the most commonly asked questions that men have regarding sex and their love life. Here's the first question that men regularly ask.

1. Why is it that I never seem to be "in the mood"?

This can be for a number of reasons, but more than likely it's because of a poor diet or lifestyle - or both. If you're a smoker and/or a drinker, stop all smoking and all alcohol consumption. 

Do your best to drink 8 glasses of water each day and get at least 6 hours' worth of sleep at night.

If after doing all of this you're still not "in the mood", you may want to buy a supplement called "Rock Hard Formula". It's a natural supplement that causes your body to make more natural testosterone. 

This should definitely help you in the bedroom and make you feel like you want to do "it" all the time. This supplement can be found at any health food store. Here's another question men ask.

2. Why do I keep having soft erections instead of fully hard ones?

It's because you don't have enough blood flow coming to your penis. This can be solved by the use of PC exercises. Make it a point to research kegel exercises and how they can be used to strengthen your erections. 

If this sounds like too much for you to do, you should consider going down to your local pharmacy or health food store and purchasing a pack of "arginine".

You should take this daily if you want to boost your erection strength and get harder erections. Here's another question men ask.

3. What's the best way to get a bigger penis?

There will be people out there who will tell you that penis enlargement isn't possible but this is just not true. Penis enlargement is real and there are tons of men who are increasing their penis size today. 

If you want to enlarge your penis, stay away from pills, pumps, or surgery - stick with penis enlargement exercises.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

A Penis Growth Program With Actual Video Proof That It Works!

Let's be honest, penis size is an important aspect of any man's life whether they want to admit it or not. The market is flooded with products and solutions that claim to have the answer to making your member bigger, but usually, these products fail to deliver. 

Luckily, I happened to come across what might be the "Holy Grail of Penis Enlargement", it's written by this guy named John Collins and it's called the Penis Enlargement Bible.

What I found mind-blowing about John's program is that he backs up his claims with actual video proof and testimonials from customers who have used the product. It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I would say most of these videos are worth 3 to 4 inches!

Forget extenders, pills, suction devices, and surgery. They are either expensive, too painful or they just don't work. 

The Penis Enlargement Bible is a proven two-step program that combines natural over-the-counter supplements with a specially designed exercise regime to achieve up to 4" of growth within just a few months.

If you are serious about getting bigger, check out the Penis Enlargement Bible here: 

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Real Reason Why People Are Saying Penis Enlargement Creams, Oils and Lotions Don't Work!

There are a lot of recent articles attacking penis enlargement creams. They blast, slam, and shout down the very idea that such a product could even remotely work. But what they are NOT telling you -- what they DON'T want you to know is the real reason they are so against these products. 

They don't want you to know that they are only attacking these products because they are starting to become well-known. They are getting top rankings in all the major search engines. 

These people simply want exposure, so they go after something that is popular. I mean let's face it. Just putting the words - Penis Enlargement Cream in the title of an article is bound to get noticed and help it move up in the rankings.

That's what they are really after - rankings! These guys try to sound like they are some sort of Penis Enlargement Experts, but the truth is they have no clue about what they are talking about. First of all, I would like for someone to show me an "expert". 

Just how did they gain such knowledge? Is there a Penis Enlargement university out there somewhere? No. I didn't think so. Or did they get a huge government grant and study hundreds of men? I doubt that. No. These guys are no experts simply because there is no such thing. There are no experts. 

The reason for that is simple. Most men simply are too embarrassed to take part in any study or take any survey or let anyone know that they have tried any kind of penis enlargement product. So all that so-called expert knowledge and data they refer to is bogus!

OK, so now we've cleared up what the toads are NOT. Now let's tackle what they are. Losers! Yes that right, they are losers that can't find anything worth writing about so they attack penis enlargement creams in hopes of getting some attention. 

And with a title like that, it's hard not to get some attention. I mean let's face it, you are probably reading this article simply because of the title! But unlike these want-to-be penis scientists, I know the truth and the real reason they are expending so much energy in their attacks. They want attention. 

Perhaps nobody played with them when they were kids. Or perhaps their mothers didn't hug them. I don't know. But for whatever reason, it's truly sad to see so many of these articles at the top of the search engines written by people who don't have any idea of what they are talking about! 

The sad fact is that too many people simply take anything they read online as fact. But anyone can write an article. You don't need any credentials at all. Just access the internet. It doesn't even cost anything to print thousands of lines of crap out to the entire world!

Now you might be wondering if what I say is true, then how will I know whom to believe? How will I know what the truth really is about penis enlargement creams? How will I know if they really work? Here's your answer: TRY IT!

Yup, just 2 words and I've blown away hundreds of articles written by dozens of idiots who think they are experts but don't know the difference between their nose and their butt-holes! If you want to find out the truth try the products for yourself. 

It's simple. It's old-fashioned. But it's the only way to know. There is no government study. There are no experts. There is no hard and fast data that can tell you if these products work because too many men are afraid to admit it. 

The men that are using these products and are getting good results are keeping their mouths shut. It's not that they are ashamed to admit that it works. The problem is they are ashamed to admit that they ever used it or needed to use it!

We live in a society that says you are either born a certain way or you are not. If you are not, then that's just too bad. Well, the truth is, you don't need to be born with a massive penis. You can do something about it. And NO you don't have to fork out thousands of dollars to a surgeon! 

Unfortunately, we also live in a society "conditioned" to believe whatever we hear from the medical field. Not that I'm bashing modern medicine. We've come a long way. Countless people have benefited from it and even owe their lives to it. 

But doctors and medicine are not the only solutions. Penis enlargement just happens to fall into that class! (And if you wonder where I get my information from, see the paragraph above that ends in 2 big words).

Here is an experiment I want you to try. You can do this at home when you are alone so don't be afraid. I want you to think about going out to dinner with a large group of people. A mix of your closest friends and family and other people whom you have never met before. 

And I want you to imagine that someone at the table brings up the subject of Penis Enlargement. Now if you have read as little as one article that blasts the idea. And you have never purchased or tested any such product. I want you to think about how you would respond. I'll bet you all the money in your pocket that your knee-jerk response will be something like this:

"Oh, that junk doesn't work! It's all phony crap! I read ALL about it online!"

Now, remember, at the beginning of this exercise I said that you had only read just one article. So why on earth would you be so quick to jump on the bandwagon? 

The answer is simple (I'm full of simple answers if you haven't noticed): It's just plain easier to believe that it can't work. Yup. You followed right along without a shred of evidence simply because it was the easiest thing to do.

Now get ready to get blown out of your socks. Want to know the REAL reason YOU said it doesn't work? You said that because if you said anything to the contrary it would be an admission that you WISHED it did work and you were AFRAID that someone at that table would think that YOU NEEDED PENIS ENLARGEMENT!

That is completely unacceptable. Too embarrassing. You had no choice but to shout down the very notion of such a thing. And at that moment. That very instant. That small glimmer of hope that you once had. 

That tiny sliver of light in the back of your mind, and the depths of your soul... that whisper of the question: "Does it really work?". That light goes out inside you. You put on your mask that says impossible and spends the rest of your life is less of the man you had the potential of becoming. All because of FEAR and INSECURITY. Wow...

Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time.

And if you've ever taken a girl home, gotten hot and heavy and then felt embarrassment and PANIC when you take off your pants and see the look of DISAPPOINTMENT on her face, you need to go check this out right now. I'll tell you right now (and I've got proof), that anyone who tells you "size doesn't matter to women" is flat out lying to your face and trying to make you feel better.

Heck, just recently I asked a focus group of women via an anonymous online survey if size matters, and again and again, they said "Oh my god, I HATE IT when it's SMALL."

For a long time, I didn't know what to tell the guys who'd write to me and ask how to get "bigger."

I'd say something lame like "Women actually like guys who are smaller... you just have to get good with your hands."

Then I found "THE BIBLE of Penis Enlargement" by this guy named John Collins... 

What's crazy about this is that John has ACTUAL VIDEO PROOF that his stuff works...

He's got a literal mountain of testimonials from customers not just SAYING that they added 3 or even FOUR inches...

But actual VIDEOS that can't be faked. I was 100% skeptical until I saw these vids, so even if you think it's "impossible" to get bigger (and there's no pills or suction devices or any of that crap) go check out the overwhelming proof on John's site.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Beware Of These Penis Enlargement Ads!

Every man who goes online now these days comes in contact with penis enlargement ads enticing bigger penis sizes instantly. I know for a fact cause I have bought many of the products advertised online and from the good marketing, I thought the desire found in the head of every man for a bigger penis would come true. 

They do have some real natural penis enlargement products on the market that do work. Yet what I learned was you really have to separate the good from the bad and not be enticed by the hype for penis enlargement products that don't work. 

You really have to do research to actually find the products to see which ones work and the others that are out just to get your money.

There are four areas you must look at when choosing the best penis enlargement products to choose. By looking at these four guidelines you will be able to avoid getting ripped off online and find the best products.

Criteria For Choosing The Top Penis Enlargement Products

1. Quality of Ingredients 

Analyze the different products, and examine the potency and quantity of each system. This is to ensure that the penis enlargement products aren't made from cheap materials that only provide minimal results.

2. User Results 

Gather reviews and testimonials from customers of these penis enlargement products to see how well they actually work. See which had the highest satisfaction rate in the industry, and the most positive user results.

3. Overall Value 

Analyze what each company is offering in terms of pricing, free bonuses, shipping, and guarantee.

4. Money-Back Guarantee 

All penis enlargement products should offer iron-clad money back guarantees. It's important to know that you can return a particular product if it doesn't do everything that the company promises it will do.

After spending a small fortune online I narrowed all penis enlargement product choices down to these four guidelines and that's when I began to come across some good quality products in the market. 

There are many natural penis enlargement products that can help men achieve a bigger, harder erection for very satisfying sex life. I will touch on the best five categories I found that worked and did make an increase in penis size.

Top 5 Penis Enlargement Methods

5. Penis Enlargement Patches

Patches have become a hit in the bedroom for many men. The same concept is like the stop smoking patch to stop smoking by applying the patch to the skin you get the transfer of ingredients instantly. 

The effects of many of the best brands of patches last in the system for 72 hours. Patches are quite effective cause pills that have to travel through the digestive system can work faster by entering through the skin. 

It works by simply placing the patch on your body near your penis and the chemical reaction increases blood flow to your penis in under five minutes. These are good for rock-hard penis erections anytime.

4. Penis Oils & Creams

Penis oils and creams are also useful when doing penis exercises or using penis devices. Since the oils and creams are topical on the skin they enter your body faster. 

These products work on increasing blood flow to the penis when it is applied. Once the chemical reaction starts you can feel the throbbing in your penis from the blood flow.

The five categories mentioned above give the best results for increasing the size of your penis. You should always use the four guidelines above before buying any penis enlargement product to avoid being scammed. 

3. Penis Enlargement Pills

Many men don't know how to properly use male enhancement supplements to achieve an increase in penis size. It's not just taking a pill and expecting your penis to increase with no effort. 

The role of pills in enlargement methods is to increase the blood flow to your penis while using a penis device or doing penis exercises. The supplements help to increase the blood flow to the penis giving men stronger, harder, and bigger erections faster. 

So you should always use a penis device or penis exercises while taking penis enlargement pills for the best results.

2. Penis Devices

Many websites offer these products for enlargement but only two devices really work at achieving a bigger penis size. Penis pumps have been on the market for a while and have many loyal male fans. This device comes with a cylinder that you put your penis in and a hand pump or electric pump which gives better results. 

Penis pumps work by forming a vacuum in the cylinder that your penis is in forcing blood to enlarge the penis naturally. The next device is known as a penis extender and a lot of men are especially happy with this device. 

Penis extenders work by stretching the penis increasing the length, girth, and width of the penis. Penis extenders can be worn under clothes and don't cause any problems with your regular daily routine and results can be noticed over the weeks.

1. Biochemical Method Of Penis Enlargement

Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time.

And if you've ever taken a girl home, gotten hot and heavy and then felt embarrassment and PANIC when you take off your pants and see the look of DISAPPOINTMENT on her face, you need to go check this out right now. I'll tell you right now (and I've got proof), that anyone who tells you "size doesn't matter to women" is flat out lying to your face and trying to make you feel better.

Heck, just recently I asked a focus group of women via an anonymous online survey if size matters, and again and again, they said "Oh my god, I HATE IT when it's SMALL."

For a long time, I didn't know what to tell the guys who'd write to me and ask how to get "bigger."

I'd say something lame like "Women actually like guys who are smaller... you just have to get good with your hands."

Then I found "THE BIBLE of Penis Enlargement" by this guy named John Collins... 

What's crazy about this is that John has ACTUAL VIDEO PROOF that his stuff works...

He's got a literal mountain of testimonials from customers not just SAYING that they added 3 or even FOUR inches...

But actual VIDEOS that can't be faked. I was 100% skeptical until I saw these vids, so even if you think it's "impossible" to get bigger (and there's no pills or suction devices or any of that crap) go check out the overwhelming proof on John's site.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Penis Extenders Work But Very Very Slowly - How Can You Speed the Process Up?

Penis extenders, stretchers, devices, and weights have been around for hundreds of years, it's only been recent, as in the past 5 years that these contraptions have been getting more advanced in the way of technology used to produce them. 

They are using a lot more bio-chemistry boosted assistance which involves stretching the penis over very long periods of time and eventually coming out on top with a positive result...

However, the positive end result can sometimes end up in two different ways which are very common. One, you could be left with a very small gain of around half an inch to a full inch or two, your growth won't last very long and if the device is not used for a week or more then you may revert back to the original size.

Sounds quite dull, doesn't it? Well, I certainly thought so when I heard the stats. The bottom line is this you can without a shadow of a doubt go for some form of extender that will give you guaranteed results that are very small or you could opt for what guys are starting to notice more and more which are natural exercises.

I'd like to give you a breakdown of one exercise that I use and have been using successfully for the past month. It's relatively new to the industry and many guys may not know of it yet. It's called the "helicopter" and has been proven to add at least 3 inches in as little as 4 months.

I have been involved with some guys who have seen anything up to 1 full inch in only 9 days! Could you imagine after only 9 days a brand new longer thicker and fuller penis, well it's completely possible, so natural enlargement should take this advice seriously?

The Helicopter

OK so first things first, have you warmed up? You need to practice the warm-up method every time you attempt this exercise so that you can get the most benefit. Simply grab a cup of hot water and a cloth, soak the cloth, and then wrap it around your penis so that you warm it up for around 3 minutes. 

After the warm-up, you can move straight on to the double exercise. OK so here goes, make sure you are semi-erect and then place your index finger and your thumb around the base of your manhood, proceed to swing your penis in a clockwise motion for around 120 seconds, once done, move the same finger and thumb positioning to the head and pull down in one full motion, hang on for around 2 minutes. Release and repeat the first step.

What will happen is you will maximize blood flow, oxygen levels and also increase tissue size over time, this should be applied to your everyday life.

Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time.

And if you've ever taken a girl home, gotten hot and heavy and then felt embarrassment and PANIC when you take off your pants and see the look of DISAPPOINTMENT on her face, you need to go check this out right now. I'll tell you right now (and I've got proof), that anyone who tells you "size doesn't matter to women" is flat out lying to your face and trying to make you feel better.

Heck, just recently I asked a focus group of women via an anonymous online survey if size matters, and again and again, they said "Oh my god, I HATE IT when it's SMALL."

For a long time, I didn't know what to tell the guys who'd write to me and ask how to get "bigger."

I'd say something lame like "Women actually like guys who are smaller... you just have to get good with your hands."

Then I found "THE BIBLE of Penis Enlargement" by this guy named John Collins... 

What's crazy about this is that John has ACTUAL VIDEO PROOF that his stuff works...

He's got a literal mountain of testimonials from customers not just SAYING that they added 3 or even FOUR inches...

But actual VIDEOS that can't be faked. I was 100% skeptical until I saw these vids, so even if you think it's "impossible" to get bigger (and there are no pills or suction devices or any of that crap) go check out the overwhelming proof on John's site.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

How I Learned to Ejaculate Like Peter North Using Natural Penis Growth Techniques

Are you having trouble pleasing your lover? Are you leaving her unsatisfied in the bedroom? Don't worry you're not alone, there are many men who suffer from the exact same sexual problems you do. Problems like weak erections, premature ejaculation, and lack of stamina during lovemaking. Luckily there is hope for men with these problems.

Natural penis growth techniques, these are very simple exercises you can do that will solve all of the above problems. When you start doing the exercises you'll learn how to get porn star stamina, massive ejaculations, and stronger harder orgasms for you and your partner.

One of the techniques you'll learn is the kegel exercise. This little-known exercise will give you the ability to ejaculate like porn star legend Peter North and the stamina to last all night.

Maybe you're one of the lucky few who have heard of this exercise and done it already well that's fine because there are many subtleties and advanced ways of doing these techniques that you probably don't know about. You will also learn many other ways to add spice to your love life.

I'll admit that when I first heard about natural penis growth techniques I was extremely skeptical because they sounded like all the other penis enlargement rubbish they sell on the internet. 

Despite all this, I decided to give them a try after all I had nothing to lose. Well, I have to say I was very surprised the exercises worked better than I had hoped.

My erections became firmer and lasted longer my stamina increased and my girlfriend is now vastly more pleased and satisfied in and out of the bedroom. 

I'm sure that you will get the exact same results when you begin to use natural penis growth techniques.

Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time.

And if you've ever taken a girl home, gotten hot and heavy and then felt embarrassment and PANIC when you take off your pants and see the look of DISAPPOINTMENT on her face, you need to go check this out right now. I'll tell you right now (and I've got proof), that anyone who tells you "size doesn't matter to women" is flat out lying to your face and trying to make you feel better.

Heck, just recently I asked a focus group of women via an anonymous online survey if size matters, and again and again, they said "Oh my god, I HATE IT when it's SMALL."

For a long time, I didn't know what to tell the guys who'd write to me and ask how to get "bigger."

I'd say something lame like "Women actually like guys who are smaller... you just have to get good with your hands."

Then I found "THE BIBLE of Penis Enlargement" by this guy named John Collins... 

What's crazy about this is that John has ACTUAL VIDEO PROOF that his stuff works...

He's got a literal mountain of testimonials from customers not just SAYING that they added 3 or even FOUR inches...

But actual VIDEOS that can't be faked. I was 100% skeptical until I saw these vids, so even if you think it's "impossible" to get bigger (and there's no pills or suction devices or any of that crap) go check out the overwhelming proof on John's site.

The Top 5 Tips to Follow When Jelqing

In today's day and age, there are a lot of penis enlargement tips that are being spread around for men to follow. One of the most commonly used techniques in this particular department would be jelqing, though. Truth be told, jelqing would be an absolute must if you want to improve the size of your penis as quickly as possible.

The good news is that jelqing doesn't take too long to do. In fact, you can complete one set in just 10 minutes. Of course, this will depend on how many repetitions you choose to do, though, and which penis enlargement level you are currently at.

Generally speaking, jelqing is known to be able to thicken and lengthen the penis in no time at all. This is mostly because its basic version and advanced version are pretty similar to one another. 

To jelq, you will basically just have to do some milking motions with your hands to send more blood into the shaft's corpora cavernosa chambers. This will, in turn, send more blood into your penis and make it expand.

Sending more and more blood into the penis with time will make it grow slowly but surely. The best part is that you will notice significant size gains if you jelq properly. 

Plus, the effects will be completely permanent. Overall, jelqing is done to expand girth, add length, improve erection hardness and firmness, and improve penile rigidity.

If you want to make sure that you jelq the right way, here are the top 5 penis enlargement tips that you should follow in order to do so.

1. Do not jelq in the shower.

The first of the penis enlargement tips for jelqing would be not to do it in the shower. Most of the time, penis enlargement exercises involve standing, sitting, or lying down. 

However, standing in the shower wouldn't be a good idea when it comes to this because chafing doesn't feel good, in general. Also, if you thought that soap would work well as a lubricant, think again. This definitely isn't the case.

2. Condition yourself for the exercises.

The second of the penis enlargement tips for jelqing would be to condition yourself for the exercise beforehand. This means giving yourself a semi-erection and reminding yourself never to get a complete erection during the exercise. If you jelq with a complete erection, you could unintentionally harm your penis without wanting to.

3. Use good lubrication.

The third of the penis enlargement tips would be to use good oil-based or water-based lubrication. You can also use vitamin E-infused baby oil, though. In fact, that would be a great choice if you have sensitive skin. Plus, it is very affordable to boot. 

Aside from that, it is very healthy and can really make jelqing much easier for you. If you would rather not use lubrication, though, then make sure you are very careful while jelqing.

4. Take full advantage of the exercise.

Once you are convinced that you are prepared for jelqing, try looking for a professional program that you can follow in order to make the most of the exercise. 

If you choose to follow free programs on the Internet in the end, though, remember that you are doing them at your own risk, so consider all of your actions wisely.

5. Take other penile exercises into consideration.

The last one of the penis enlargement tips would be to also take other types of penile exercises into consideration, such as kegel exercises. These exercises would be especially helpful if you have trouble controlling your ejaculation or if you have poor sexual stamina overall.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this