Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Top 5 Tips to Follow When Jelqing

In today's day and age, there are a lot of penis enlargement tips that are being spread around for men to follow. One of the most commonly used techniques in this particular department would be jelqing, though. Truth be told, jelqing would be an absolute must if you want to improve the size of your penis as quickly as possible.

The good news is that jelqing doesn't take too long to do. In fact, you can complete one set in just 10 minutes. Of course, this will depend on how many repetitions you choose to do, though, and which penis enlargement level you are currently at.

Generally speaking, jelqing is known to be able to thicken and lengthen the penis in no time at all. This is mostly because its basic version and advanced version are pretty similar to one another. 

To jelq, you will basically just have to do some milking motions with your hands to send more blood into the shaft's corpora cavernosa chambers. This will, in turn, send more blood into your penis and make it expand.

Sending more and more blood into the penis with time will make it grow slowly but surely. The best part is that you will notice significant size gains if you jelq properly. 

Plus, the effects will be completely permanent. Overall, jelqing is done to expand girth, add length, improve erection hardness and firmness, and improve penile rigidity.

If you want to make sure that you jelq the right way, here are the top 5 penis enlargement tips that you should follow in order to do so.

1. Do not jelq in the shower.

The first of the penis enlargement tips for jelqing would be not to do it in the shower. Most of the time, penis enlargement exercises involve standing, sitting, or lying down. 

However, standing in the shower wouldn't be a good idea when it comes to this because chafing doesn't feel good, in general. Also, if you thought that soap would work well as a lubricant, think again. This definitely isn't the case.

2. Condition yourself for the exercises.

The second of the penis enlargement tips for jelqing would be to condition yourself for the exercise beforehand. This means giving yourself a semi-erection and reminding yourself never to get a complete erection during the exercise. If you jelq with a complete erection, you could unintentionally harm your penis without wanting to.

3. Use good lubrication.

The third of the penis enlargement tips would be to use good oil-based or water-based lubrication. You can also use vitamin E-infused baby oil, though. In fact, that would be a great choice if you have sensitive skin. Plus, it is very affordable to boot. 

Aside from that, it is very healthy and can really make jelqing much easier for you. If you would rather not use lubrication, though, then make sure you are very careful while jelqing.

4. Take full advantage of the exercise.

Once you are convinced that you are prepared for jelqing, try looking for a professional program that you can follow in order to make the most of the exercise. 

If you choose to follow free programs on the Internet in the end, though, remember that you are doing them at your own risk, so consider all of your actions wisely.

5. Take other penile exercises into consideration.

The last one of the penis enlargement tips would be to also take other types of penile exercises into consideration, such as kegel exercises. These exercises would be especially helpful if you have trouble controlling your ejaculation or if you have poor sexual stamina overall.

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