Thursday, February 10, 2022

I Do Penis Enlargement Exercises - Why My Penis Did Not Enlarge?

Dude, are you having problems with the size of your penis? You can enlarge it with natural penis enlargement exercises. You reasoned out - you have already tried to no avail. Your penis is still as small as it used to be. It is time to analyze the cause of the failure of the exercise to do its magic.

Here are some correctable mistakes and blunders you could have committed along the process.

Blunder No. 1: You erred in the choice of penis exercise.

You surf the internet - you fumbled upon a number of penis exercises. You did the exercises without determining the side effects. Just because it did wonder to other guys, you thought it would produce the same effects on you.

Correcting measure: Find the correct exercise by employing trainers who are experts in the field.

Blunder No. 2: You did not do the exercise correctly.

You are correct in the choice of exercise. You just do the exercise thinking it is the correct way when actually you are misguided. You are not applying the correct pressure on the penis - may be too hard or maybe too soft. Or possibly - you are exercising longer or shorter than is required. Perhaps you over-stress your penis. You should exercise your penis moderately.

Correcting measure: Know the correct way to do the natural penis enlargement exercise. Experts are called to teach you the proper way, at least in the initial days.

Blunder No. 3: Your diet is not healthy or nutritious.

The exercises cause stress on your penis. As your body is a part and fraction of your body, any food that you consume affects the dietary requirements of the penis. So eat healthy food. Include in your diet food that improves blood circulation inside the penis. 

The amount of blood in the penis affects the augmentation process. Refrain from alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, and junk food. They will harm the growth of your penis.

Correcting measure: Watch your diet. Do not smoke or drink liquor.

Blunder No. 4: You failed to take penis pills to the exercise regimen.

You need to support the exercise program with penis pills. The pills are considered supplements. As your body needs vitamins, the penis likewise needs herbal pills. 

The herbal pills are specifically for blood circulation. Any increase in blood flow in your penis will give enlargement to your dick. However, be sure of the kind of herbal pills you are going to take.

Correcting measure: Take penis pills as supplements. Consult your doctor before taking pills.

You have found out that natural penis enlargement exercise per se will not deliver the desired length and width enlargement of your penis. 

Even if the exercise is done correctly and religiously, you should have a healthy diet and you also need to take penis vitamins (penis pills). From here on - heed this new information. In a few months, you have a penis longer than 1 to 4 inches. You did it!

Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time.

And if you've ever taken a girl home, gotten hot and heavy and then felt embarrassment and PANIC when you take off your pants and see the look of DISAPPOINTMENT on her face, you need to go check this out right now. I'll tell you right now (and I've got proof), that anyone who tells you "size doesn't matter to women" is flat out lying to your face and trying to make you feel better.

Heck, just recently I asked a focus group of women via an anonymous online survey if size matters, and again and again, they said "Oh my god, I HATE IT when it's SMALL."

For a long time, I didn't know what to tell the guys who'd write to me and ask how to get "bigger."

I'd say something lame like "Women actually like guys who are smaller... you just have to get good with your hands."

Then I found "THE BIBLE of Penis Enlargement" by this guy named John Collins... 

What's crazy about this is that John has ACTUAL VIDEO PROOF that his stuff works...

He's got a literal mountain of testimonials from customers not just SAYING that they added 3 or even FOUR inches...

But actual VIDEOS that can't be faked. I was 100% skeptical until I saw these vids, so even if you think it's "impossible" to get bigger (and there's no pills or suction devices or any of that crap) go check out the overwhelming proof on John's site.