Thursday, February 10, 2022

3 Point Checklist On Choosing The Best Penis Enlargement Method

Do you currently have a penis size that you are not satisfied with at the moment? Do you want to enlarge your penis and enhance your sex life, and at the same time, avoid causing side effects, avoid spending way too much money, and also ensure that your results will last permanently?

Well, choosing the best male enhancement method to accomplish those goals you have isn't going to be easy. BUT... that's only if you focus too much on the more common methods you see advertised all the time (such as pills, pumps, and extenders). 

Those methods do not work. And the reason they do not work is that they are not based on the following 3 things I'm going to talk to you about in today's article.

If you find a method based on the following 3 things in this checklist, then you can rest assured not only will you grow a larger penis size (up to 7-9 inches is possible), you will also get these results naturally and permanently, and not only that, you will also enhance your sex life as well. Continue reading to learn more...

3 Point Checklist On Choosing The Best Penis Enlargement Method...

Going Natural Is Absolutely Vital...

The best method is certainly not going to be based on doing anything unnatural. Doing things unnaturally typically means doing things that will not permanently expand your penile shaft, will not increase blood circulation into your penile chambers, will not extend your suspensory ligament, and does not strengthen your PC muscle.

Natural enlargement means that ALL the things I mentioned must be done ALL together. If a method does one or the other, then it is something I recommend you avoid doing. 

Besides, why would anyone want to waste their time or money on doing something that was incomplete? Tools, pills, patches, and even surgical procedures can not do ALL those things I mentioned all together.

The only thing that can do all those things is natural penis exercises.

Cell Regeneration With Your Penile Chambers...

Your corpora cavernosa chambers are 2 chambers that run alongside your penile shaft. These 2 chambers are what fill up with blood and form your erections and make them rock-hard. These 2 chambers are also responsible for the thickness of your penis erection as well. Clearly, it doesn't take a genius to see how important these chambers are!

Now, pumps, clamps, and phalloplasty (penile chamber surgery) all claim to be able to expand these chambers. But the problem is that they don't do so naturally and they don't do so safely or permanently. 

The reason why is very clear. The reason those methods can't naturally expand those 2 important chambers is that they can not cause cell regeneration.

Cell regeneration is caused by naturally breaking down the cells of your penile chambers so that they can regrow bigger and stronger. Similar to building muscles in your body.

Guess what? The only thing that can do this successfully, quickly, naturally, and permanently are your hands and doing penis exercises.

It Shouldn't JUST Be Increasing Your Penis Size...

When choosing a method for improving your manhood, why stop at just getting a bigger endowment? Why not also do things to improve your overall sex life? What I mean by that is lasting longer during sex, having better and more powerful orgasms, shooting your "load" further, having bone-hard erections, and more? 

Well, this can happen if you strengthen your PC (pubococcygeus) muscle. If this muscle is strengthened, then you can certainly expect your sex life to take a 180-degree turn to be absolutely amazing!

By this point, you should guess what I'm about to say. That's right, the only thing that can naturally strengthen your PC muscle are penis exercises. The specific type of exercises that will do this are called Kegels. 

There are different types of kegel exercises that if done correctly, will strengthen your PC muscle. I remember when I started doing penis exercises, and after doing Kegels for just a few sessions, the first thing I noticed was my ejaculate shooting further! Freaking amazing!

So, if you are looking for the best overall method for getting a bigger penis, then as you can tell from above, going with a natural option (such as penis exercises) makes perfect sense. 

I personally used this method (and this was after failing with pumps and extenders), and the thickness of my erections increased, my erections are much harder, I increased by 2 inches in length, and improved many aspects of my sex life as well. And all these results last for good.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this


I’m not going to lie to you: Penis Enlargement Bible is not for everyone. For example:

  • If you enjoy the risk of taking weird, dangerous penis pills, this is NOT for you.
  • If you think you can ‘pump’ or ‘extend’ your way to a bigger penis… this is not for you.
  • And, if you’re not prepared to follow the blueprint exactly to the letter to grow your penis naturally, this is not for you.

Remember: This is an exact blueprint - anything that produces a bigger penis for any man requires an exact series of steps.

However, it’s FAST, it’s EFFICIENT and it’s SAFE. Fair enough? Hey, if you’re looking for an EASY way out, then Google “Useless Penis Pills” and maybe you’ll get lucky. If you want results that have worked since they were discovered 10 years ago, then read on.

You MUST be okay with doing what the blueprint says. If you are, you’re about to learn the secrets to making your penis bigger, for real!

“So, what do I do next?”

Forget about surgery, pills and weights, they DONT work! This DOES work, but you need to follow the methods contained in the guide.

But don't take my word for it, click here to see actual video proof and testimonials from REAL users: