Tuesday, February 22, 2022

At What Age Do Most Men Stop Penis Growing?

When does my penis stop growing? Is there a certain age that stops? At or about puberty? Or how about when I turn 18? Can my penis continue to grow for LONG after the rest of my body stops? Or does it all work together? 

In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at when your penis stops growing...and learn how just about any man who wants to can quickly and easily improve his size at any age at all. Curious to know more? Great.....continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Okay.....but doesn't penis size STOP increasing at puberty? I thought this was the ONLY real growth spurt there was?

The truth? Absolutely not. Your male anatomy DOES tend to "stop" growing naturally at an age that precedes other growth (like height or tallness for example) but it certainly continues beyond the ages of 13 or 14. 

Most doctors tend to believe the "seeds" for size are well established though by the puberty years...so if you are unusually small at 13 or 14....the likelihood of getting GREAT gains later is not as likely as getting significantly taller for example...or growing in other areas altogether.

So if penis size stops increasing at puberty or thereabouts.....does this mean I am STUCK with my size from this point forward?

Again, definitely not. Remember, in the above, the operative word is "naturally". The fact is, your body will obviously grow on its own for much of this time, without any input from you. 

But much like any other area of anatomical self-improvement, if you want to change the "gifts" that nature has given you, you must do them on your own....through taking matters into your own hands.

The ONLY Ways to Continue Growing After Puberty...

Honestly? Diet and exercise. There is truly NO other size solution that works, regardless of what you've read. The simple truth is that the only way to grow your size beyond puberty is to work on expanding the spongy tissue located in the corposa cavernosa, which is the primary penile chamber and the ONLY way to truly thicken or lengthen your anatomy in a permanent way.

How does it work so well?

There are lots of different theories, but the one that I tend to believe most is that by manipulating the tissue through exercise, tension, and very specific manual manipulations, the tissue breaks down. When it re-grows, it comes back "tougher" with more thickness and space between the cells. 

Many PE experts also argue that the amount of blood that can fill up between the newly formed tissue is significantly improved as well...giving you harder, longer, and STRONGER erections as well, on top of the natural gains in girth and overall size as well.

Diet is a more complex topic, but suffice it to say that there is ample evidence to support that foods high in natural antioxidants like dark-colored fruits and vegetables improve the flow of blood to the penis, which when combined with the above, is a proven way to double up your improvements!

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

A Penis Growth Program With Actual Video Proof That It Works!

Let's be honest, penis size is an important aspect of any man's life whether they want to admit it or not. The market is flooded with products and solutions that claim to have the answer to making your member bigger, but usually, these products fail to deliver. 

Luckily, I happened to come across what might be the "Holy Grail of Penis Enlargement", it's written by this guy named John Collins and it's called the Penis Enlargement Bible.

What I found mind-blowing about John's program is that he backs up his claims with actual video proof and testimonials from customers who have used the product. It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but I would say most of these videos are worth 3 to 4 inches!

Forget extenders, pills, suction devices, and surgery. They are either expensive, too painful or they just don't work. 

The Penis Enlargement Bible is a proven two-step program that combines natural over-the-counter supplements with a specially designed exercise regime to achieve up to 4" of growth within just a few months.

If you are serious about getting bigger, check out the Penis Enlargement Bible here: